Hammad Kiyani ( Facebook Instream Ads Coach )
is a well-known Facebook In-Stream Ads Expert From Pakistan. He is a 22-Year-old guy From Pakistan Who is Making $$$ From Facebook Instream Ads
From the scratch, He is a normal person who struggles for his future and wants to support his family in hard times. Hammad Kiyani spent his 20 years in Faisalabad. Hammad Kiyani completed his intermediate from Faisalabad. He is doing different experiments during his studies like freelancing, youtube, graphic designing, and selling biryani on a roadside stall after watching AZAD CHAI WALA Video. After completing of 2nd Year, He started his own Business of Event Planning Named HK EVENTS & FILMS. He Organizes too many successful Family & Musical Events in Faisalabad Where very well-known Singers and celebrities attend as performers, But after some successful events some of his events are not as good as the first ones and he is in a financial crisis. so he shut down his Event Planning business.

Life Changing Year Of Hammad Kiyani
in 2021, He Shift to Islamabad with his family, At this time Hammad Kiyani and his family were in a very difficult situation, Nothing was going right in life. Then he Borrows some money and buys a Computer and started learning some new skills, Failed too many times but he try again and again, It was difficult, challenging, and exhausting But he refused to Give Up and after too much struggle he got his first payment from Facebook In-Stream Ads in some months he becomes Expert in Facebook Instream Ads And Earning very handsome amount from Facebook.

Started Youtube Chennal
Then he makes a Youtube Chennai Named Hammad Kiyani Where He posted a video on how to earn Million of dollars from Facebook In-Stream Ads, And the video went viral in Pakistan & India. At this time some FB Expert delivering this Course at high prices and Hammad Kiyani tells all the things Free of cost in his youtube videos. He is become viral on youtube as a Facebook In-Stream Ads Expert and gives free knowledge to the public.

Started Training & Incubator Centre
At the end of 2021 in October, He started his office Named DIGIVERSE, CHECK OUT HIS FIRST OFFICE And started his physical training for the people who want to earn from Facebook In-Stream Ads. The Fee for Physical Training is 15K PKR. Including Hostel, Food, and all the basic needs for 7 Days In Islamabad.
Now He started Pakistan’s First Youtube & Facebook Incubation & Training Center Named DIGIVERSE In Islamabad in Feb 2022. CLICK TO TAKE TOUR TO NEW OFFICE He mentored 5000+ Students.

He says the year of 2021 is LIFE CHANGING for me and my family.

He Gifted a new car to his parents. Hammad Kiyani is a very down-to-earth and humble person who always meets people with no attitude. His Physical & Online Training Changing lives and too many students earning passive income. He mentioned on his insta account, He is Pakistan/India’s Top FB Monetization Coach. And his goal is to produce 10k Pakistanis who will be making 600$/Month by end of 2023. He Tells In his podcast, Too many people from his family circle Earn money from FB. Azad Chaiwala, Rehan Allahwala, and many other big influencers of Pakistan appreciated Hammad.

Honey Verma
July 29, 2022 at 12:41 pm
Facebook instream ads course
Honey Verma
July 29, 2022 at 12:42 pm
Facebook instream ads earning